~****My FaVoRitZ****~
  HoMe PaGe | My FaVoRiTz...jUst a lil' MorE aBoUt Me | PiCtUrE PaGe | Give Me Sum'Mo' PiCs | PhOTo PaGe...Chapter lll | SuM MO' Pics | MiScELAneOuS | ThEsE aRe pImPiN | HiT mE uP In My GuEsTbOOK | Photo5 Page  


SoMe oF thE weBsitEs of tHe peOplE thAt I uSed tO roLL wiTh In El PAsO...

Crissy: Home Page

Ashley: MaKe yO-SeLf aT HoMe

Jarret: ballaboyz.20m.com

{{{{HerE aRe JusT soMe of ThE weBsiTes ThAt I gO 2}}}}


ThEy goT aLL thE neW viDeoS rigHt chuUr...


^^^^YuP thAt IS aBoUT thE onLy OnE thErE^^^^

A LiL MorE AbOuT Me

Location::: New York

Date of Birth::: 7 January, 87(((& i better be gettin a happy Birthday ya'll)))

School::: Indian River HS(a.K.a...Idiot RIver)

grade::: 11...Next year ima' be a !!!SEnIoR!!!...c/o '05

Fav PlacE 2 b3::: Hawaii with all the real fine islanders or El Paso con todos mis amigos mexicanos!!! ((LoL))

NEthing ElsE u WaNNa Know????

***Fav Song: hhhhmm...so many to choose from, but here is a list of the ones i can think of from the top of my head:::

  1. Jay-z- Can I get A ***
  2. Avant- Get away
  3. Ginuwine- Love you more
  4. Jagged Edge- goodbye
  5. Selena- Amor Prohibido
  6. Murphy Lee- Luv me baby
  7. Fabolous/Tamia- Into u
  8. Nelly- Dilemma
  9. Beyonce- baby boy
  10. sean Paul- punkie
  11. IMX- first time
  12. Keith Sweat- Nobody & Twisted
  13. Don DInero- Del Alma
  14. Diana Ross- Touch me in the morning
  15. R Kelly- your bodies callin
  16. Public Announcement- Body Bumpin
  17. Mase- What u want
  18. Michael Jackson- Rock With    u
  19. Diana Ross- Do u know where youre going to 
  20. Zion- Perdoname
  21. Twista- Badunkadunk
  22. Lloyd ft. Ashanti- Southside
  23.  Usher- Yeah
  24. Marc Anthony- Dimelo
  25. Ginuwine- on my way
  26. Baby Bash- image of a pimp & Sexy eyes             

   ((((OK  so theres a lot....but i said there were)))))lol                                                                                                                                                   

***Fav MOvies:::      SELENA(ofcourse)***Save the last dance***Soul Food***Big Mama's House*** Friday***La Bamba***You Got Served***Brown Sugar

  • ***Fav Color:::         Midnight Dark Blue & Red
  • ***Fav Music:::        R&B/Hip Hop....(((Cuz i like dem slow jams...that marvin gaye...and luther vandross...a little aaliyah, will definetely start this party off right...)))....Reggaeton, Reggae, tejano, anything marc anthony sings, Merenque
  • Occupation::::           Ain't got one...but i'm workin on it. AND i am workin towards my Cosmotologist LIcense, which i will have real soon, Holla!!!
  • ***Fav things to do:::   Hair...LIsten to my jams...Chillen like a villain, lol...
  • ***Fav Cars:::             Although i aint really a car person((and by that i DONT mean that i would rather walk than ride))...my Dream car is a midnight blue BMW, i think the 2000, with them chrome rims, and edging...black interior with the BLUE interior lights & underneath. Cuz you know...i got to (pimp) my ride..haha.... But ya'll all know that i cant do that til i got some dinero...and enough dinero for allllll that aint gon' come around for a  lil while...
  • ***Fav places 2 B:::    HAWAII....most importantly...but besides that...El Paso & SOuthern CaLi
  • ***Fav People:::         Besides my family & friends....Lil' Fizz...J Lo...P diddy...TUPAC Fa' Sho!!!!
  • ***Fav Show:::          Nick & Jessica...Fresh Prince...Midnight Love on BET...Coming to the Stage...Friends...Family matters(it used to be...but they dont play that no more)






NexT pLeeZ