~*~*~PiCtUrE pAgE~*~*~
  HoMe PaGe | My FaVoRiTz...jUst a lil' MorE aBoUt Me | PiCtUrE PaGe | Give Me Sum'Mo' PiCs | PhOTo PaGe...Chapter lll | SuM MO' Pics | MiScELAneOuS | ThEsE aRe pImPiN | HiT mE uP In My GuEsTbOOK | Photo5 Page  

I'm 'bout to show ya'll...some thangs~~~~>
Here's jus' some pics of me, and the people who are closest to me~~~

This is my boy Felix, Me, and my girl Ashley. you would never guess that Felix here is puertorican. But ThEn agAin...yOu sHoUld sEE his BrotHer

\aND thiS iS Twoine...mY hOmeBoY////

This is MuH NizZle Jerret...he lookin like "Golly Gee i look good!"...and He aint lyin either....(he just now told me to put that he was fine on here) Yeah..Jarrett is one hott papi...And NO he Is noT Puertorican...He juS thiNks hE caN puLL it off...Tryna' repResent

:::: MkE...A.K.A...tHa LadIes man of EL PASO. ExCept WitHoUt the LisP. aNd thE radIo ShoW. aNd thE frO. ok BuT aNyWayz tHe poInt iiizzzz....ThAt aLL thE GiRls In EL PASO waNted hiM beCausE he WaS juSt so cUte. AnD thEn TherE weRe OthErs whO jus waNted hiM foR whAt he WaS RoLLiN' In..hiS rIde(a gold lexus, then later a red eclipse, just f.y.i). aNd thEn tHerE werE thoSe ChicAs wHo waNteD hiM foR thE bACKSEAT of HiS cAR...hhhmm...{{{Not sayin any names..**cough cough** Mis hijos frOm El PaSo KnOw exActLy whO i'M taLkIn aBoUt:::::

HoMEComIng 2002...wIth whO eLse??? JESUS!(pronounced he-sus)haha..IncAse SoMe of yA'LL haVe A LittLe trOuble

This is my sister, Darla(the BIG DD), my little sis Illana, and Darlas retarded ex-bf Eric. boy be trippin...

UhM Yeah...This is Omar. And if you would have asked me about 4 months ago how he was doing..i would have been able to tell you...BUT seeing as i Havent taLked to him in FO EVA cuZ tHat BoY harDly calls me anymore..i couldnt tell you. He's the one holding the white paper that you can hardly see because he is so dark

***Charles again***^

and this is Mr. Davis...Charles Davis...he's my dog...we tight like white on rice!!! fa' sho...why u think both our last names are Davis?? nah just playin bout that part. hes too much of a ladies man. aNd pLus...hE aiNt reAdy. he Aint gonnA bE reAdY foR a lOng tIme for nO commItment to AnythIng!!!

ThiS is Me...I'm LooKin aLL...SeriOuS

This is muh amigo Jeremy

My brother, Chris. He's gon' be a P I M P when he gets older. he's already the ladies man


Me, MiKE, & My SiStEr...mY LAsT nIgHt iN EL PASO @ thE boWlIng ALLey

My sister, and my dog Koki..the baby. and yes, this is how she really sleeps every night believe it or not. now isnt this just a perdy view of her??!

Twoine...ReAdIn Da'Papa On mY fRoNt pOrcH iN eL PASO~~~~>>>>>>

Alvin...This is my future brother-in-law(the one on the left)

Ginuwine...is Fine! Hey...that rhymes!

Here Charles again and his dog. and uh...don't ask me why one sock is white and the other is black. can't answer that one for ya'

........^ThIs...tHis Is JuSt LoUis^.......

Yeah yeah...CHarles again. he just recently sent all these pics of him so thas why theres so many. not like you dont wanna look at him anyway, right?!