~*~*~ArT pIcTurEs~*~*~
  HoMe PaGe | My FaVoRiTz...jUst a lil' MorE aBoUt Me | PiCtUrE PaGe | Give Me Sum'Mo' PiCs | PhOTo PaGe...Chapter lll | SuM MO' Pics | MiScELAneOuS | ThEsE aRe pImPiN | HiT mE uP In My GuEsTbOOK | Photo5 Page  

<<<I fOunD thEsE pIctUrEs On A webSite a LOO0onng TiMe Ago And thEy LoOkEd ReAl NiCe So Ya'll Can LoOk At em' Now Too...for YoUr OwN EnjoyMent and PerSonAl PleAsurE!!!>>>

(courtesy of theartman.com)

This painting was decicated
in memory to the missed superstars
of hip-hop, Easy-E, Aaliyah,
Notorious "biggie" Smalls, and Tupac
Shakur. Lisa "left eye" Lopes' death
occured after the others, otherwise
her portrait would have been included.

(((((AnD FYI...TuPac IS AliVe))))

ThIs PiC is real Tite------------->>>>>>>>>>>>

This is one of my favorites,

cuz it is most of my favorite people

all together in one!

It's 2pac. And he IS still alive. He's just on an island somewhere
The oRiGiNaL GanGsTaS!

J to Tha' L O