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Its anotha' one....and anotha' one


More new pics ya'll...! Yay! haha...No

You cant see this pic too clearly...but you get the idea right? ok. My old boy Emanuel...Ain't he cute??

What is she lookin' for???? Although this may not have been the best pic of my girl...Ashley and me are still down and tight like white on rice. Haha...just messin' wit ya' Ashley. I dont look all that either. For a better pic of Ms. Ashley Welch...see below~~~

~Me y mi buen amigo en El Paso, Sergio.

Ok heres a real pic of Ashley. In her JLo lookin a pimp. Thats Ashley...da' pimp

Chrissy & Me. i dont know why im lookin so serious

+++ThiS iS mY fRiEnd RoRy. hE loOks jUst liKe thiS duDe ANdRe in WurZbUrg. ExCept Andre haD goLd uP iN hiS gRiLL+++


:::::ThiS iS JerEmY:::::


[{[{[{{[{*ShaNweLL*}]}]}]}]}....he'S mY boY And weLL...LiKe WhoA...AiN't hE fiNe???? He LoOks JuSt LiKe AvAnt...well...iN peRsOn


%%%%%OnCe MaN ChaRLes%%%%%


````````Here'S ChriSSy N' ChrIS @ HomEcoMiNg```````


((((((mE & AdRiEn 4rM EL PaSo)))))



WhY doEs He hAvE hiS eYeS clOSeD??


ThiS mY BoI DevIn------>>>>>

***{{{{2 B CoNtiNueD}}}}}***