Don'T b3 CheeZiN
  HoMe PaGe | My FaVoRiTz...jUst a lil' MorE aBoUt Me | PiCtUrE PaGe | Give Me Sum'Mo' PiCs | PhOTo PaGe...Chapter lll | SuM MO' Pics | MiScELAneOuS | ThEsE aRe pImPiN | HiT mE uP In My GuEsTbOOK | Photo5 Page  


ThiS is My bOi.... ANyWaYz...ThiS iS 'G'(unit)...& Wheeeew......aiNT hE cuTe???

AnoTher 1...jus InCasE u DiDn't GeT enuf' thE firSt TiMe or SomEthIN


mY bAbY bOY, San Juan. LadiEs conTroL youRselVes...He doEs COmE in vaRiUS shapEs N' SizEs! hahaha...Nah But Hes One oF the VeRy fEw fiNe dudEs @ mY schOOl. And San Juan anD hiS seXy selF RanKs iNto The ToP 3.

AnD iF u CanT teLL by The Pic SInCe he IS so DarK...he iS liKe a miX of Tyrese & TySon Beckford.

ThiS my GirL Nicole...AnD iF u TuRn YoUr HeaD yOur CouLd proBly SeE heR...i LeAVe tHaT ^up^ 2 U thoUgh

<<HeReS JoSh>>...Do U NotiCe thAt His JaCkeT is juS a 'lil' youNg oN hiM??? YeAH uHm...thAts Cuz ItS miNe

Yo ThErE he IS aGaiN


HerE is mY boRicaN friEnd...JeremY RafaEl Ortiz...

a.k.a....J he preferes to be called...HAHAH...i jus maDe ThAT uP .  but he IS spoRtin thE whiTe fuZzY hAt thaT my MoM boUghT hiM foR chIRsitmAs  up agAinsT La bAndeRa dE PUERTO RICO...thAt hOoCHiE alWayZ tryNa RepResEnt~~~

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